Daily Aware

Daily Aware

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How to prevent insect bites in monsoon # 10 ways

Preventing insect bites:                                                                          during…

Uses of Henna #7 Along with benefits #7

Henna, a natural dye obtained from the leaves of the Lawsonia inermis plant, has various traditional and contemporary uses. Here are some of the most common applications of henna: 1. Body Art and Cosmetics Mehndi (Henna Tattoo): Henna is widely…

Sunil chhetri getting retired after 19 years is it good or bad

Sunil Chhetri announced his retirement from the Indian national football team on Thursday. The Indian legend of football said that the match against Kuwait would be his last match. https://x.com/chetrisunil11/status/1790953336901976541– You can watch his interview via this link . In…


Is mango shake good for health #5 benefits-

Mango shake can be a delicious and refreshing treat, especially during hot weather, but its health benefits depend on various factors. Here are some considerations: Nutrient Content: They are rich in vitamins (like vitamin C and vitamin A), minerals (like…


What is Collagen and its benefits #10

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, making up a significant portion of our skin, bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It is a crucial component of connective tissues that provide structure, support, and strength to various parts…


Summer Story # 1 benefits of eating water melon

Summers are very long and hot season , but mother nature gave us some way to reduce the effects of heat one of the best way of them is eating watery fruits . so, today lets discuss about Watermelons- Today…

Mystery of depression :Why children fall into depression#1

Children, much like adults, can fall into depression for a variety of reasons, and understanding these factors is crucial for providing the right support and care. Here are some common reasons why children might experience depression: Biological Factors: Some children…

Mystery of Salt #1

WE ALL EAT SALT IN OUR DAILY LIVES , but do we know why should we eat salt , what are the harms of consuming excessive salt , what is the maximum and minimum amount of salt to be consumed…

Benefits of eating Amla/ Indian Gooseberry #10

Amla is a powerhouse of nutrients and offers a wide range of  health benefits if we add it to our. Amla also known as Indian Gooseberry is very beneficial to us in the following cases: Indian gooseberry is a great…

Significance of Republic day and history about India’s republic day # 26 Jan

Republic Day is a significant national holiday celebrated in many countries around the world to commemorate the day on which they became republics. Although the specific date and historical context vary from country to country, Republic Day generally symbolizes the…